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  • Ed Johnson

Rival Accountability, Part 1

Updated: Sep 14, 2022

For over a year after Seaplane Jonson began working at the European office of Jonson Engineering, reports of misdeeds by Hyde Rival and his human associates continued to arrive, increasing with each successive month. The JE staff struggled to keep up with their attempts to counteract the ongoing mischief, often finding themselves overwhelmed by the workload.

Then, rather mysteriously, Seaplane noticed a dramatic drop in reports about Hyde Rival, although the associated human miscreants seemed to continue along as usual. Even more curious reports arrived, describing Rival's robotic assistants as completely unresponsive. Of course, he was relieved at the reduction in misdeeds, but also puzzled by the lack of a clear explanation for the change.

Seaplane decided to contact JE staff back at the American main office: “Hi Sarah! Just wanted to touch base with you about a weird situation here in London. We've seen several Hyde Rival assistant robots, seemingly abandoned right on the streets or in empty lots...some seem to have been vandalized and turned over on their sides...perhaps by their former victims who understandably would enjoy extracting vengeance. However, we still get lots of reports about the Mafia and other bad actors going about their usual activities, but Hyde Rival himself seems to have gone strangely quiet. our expert you have any idea what might be going on?”

Sarah listened carefully, then responded slowly: “Yeah, something odd seems to be happening here as well. We got a bizarre message from Jekyll Rival...a bit garbled, but something about Hyde Rival overstepping so far, that his internal programming has banished him from Earth! Then all communication from both Rivals ceased completely.”

"Ah ha, so Hyde Rival finally gets some long-deserved comeuppance!" exclaimed Seaplane. "OK, let me wrap up some ongoing business here at our European office, and then our team will head back to JE headquarters in America...we need to plan next steps to solve this mystery!"

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