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Security Breaches

Ed Johnson

Updated: Jun 11, 2021

Although JE staff seemed quite skilled at coping with cyber attacks, they became concerned by increasing breaches of physical security. Olympia and Galileo met to discuss the growing security threat and to develop effective yet affordable solutions.

“Just look at this list of incidents!“ said Olympia. “Our own staff members accosted by both humans and androids in the hallways of this very actual physical contact, so far...but threats of various kinds...even attempted extortion. I realize the skyscraper is huge, with many occupants and activities, and that the limited security staff mostly just man the welcome desk with occasional forays to wherever a problem might be reported. Moreover, when our folks venture outside the building, they are confronted even more in the streets. They're complaining about not feeling safe anywhere now. We've got to do something!”

“Exactly so!“ Galileo concurred. “Even worse, just yesterday I found several suspicious characters hanging around the door to our main office...trying to gain entry to our main facility here...they reluctantly left only after I called the front desk and an armed building security guy showed up. I'd be willing to bet that most, if not all, of these shady actors work for Hyde Rival...after all, we know he's monitoring us almost continually. Yep, we've got to take a more proactive stance to protect ourselves.”

Galileo paused, then proposed a solution: “Other offices in this complex hire extra security services to protect their operations...we should do the same. They should be clearly armed, both as a warning to potential intruders, and to respond if actual violence emerges. We could station them at our CCTV surveillance console, where they could detect threats in time to react effectively.”

“Excellent plan!' exclaimed Olympia. “We can pay for the security service using the stipend Jekyll Rival gave us along with our office suite...especially since we recently cut back some activities to free up operational funding. Do you have a specific security firm in mind?”

“Indeed I do,” responded Galileo. “Several friends suggested Fafner Security, known for their professional and effective approach, and for their ability to customize guardian services to fit the client's specific situation. Their services already span several continents, so if we expand our operations overseas, they could accommodate that too. I've already contacted them...we could draw up a contract and begin within a couple of weeks.”

“Excellent!' said Olympia, “let's do it!” The staff finalized the contract, and shortly thereafter, Fafner Security guards showed up for duty at JE Headquarters. Galileo worked intensely with the new guards in orientation sessions, and soon they were efficiently protecting JE's office and personnel – to the great relief of the grateful staff.

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