In this blog entry we depart from storytelling, shifting instead to commentary about Second Life sites related to this major subgenre of science fiction, noted for its distinctive view of a high tech, yet dystopian, future.
For general background, check out this Wikipedia article:
Hangars Liquides
If you visit only one cyberpunk site, it should be Hangars Liquides, the largest and longest running cyberpunk city in Second Life. Be sure to use an EEP viewer set to shared environment, and have your sound enabled, to fully experience this truly astonishing build. Even the shortest visit will impress you, but you may well be drawn back for repeat visits to explore all the nooks and crannies. (Role playing is possible, but not required.)
Role Playing Cyperpunk Sites
There are a number of role playing cyberpunk sites in Second Life, which generally require you to participate in appropriate garb, within acceptable defined roles, and according to specified rules. However, most allow brief out-of-character (OOC) visits as long as you do not disturb ongoing role players (but you may be required to wear an OOC badge). Here are two of my favorites:
Find more cyberpunk sites in the Second Life Destination Guide (under cyber and sci-fi):