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JE Reorganizes

Ed Johnson

After JE staff decided to expand its own operations to counteract Hyde Rival's increasing threat, it became abundantly clear that JE would not be able to keep up – at least not within the confines of its current structure. Consequently, JE staff undertook a major revision of its organizational structure, allowing broader geographical coverage, although at the cost of severe reduction in the variety of ongoing activities.

Olympia coordinated closely with Sarah to work out the biggest challenges, among which were the complex robotics operations. “Fortunately, our relocation to Earth already help set the stage for this transition aspect,” Sarah explained. “Back when we were still on the space station, JE was deeply involved in actually creating androids and gynoids, who were needed to assist the limited human crew available...indeed, JE contracted with me to do exactly that. But now, that situation has changed dramatically...although I'm still involved, Jekyll Rival has his own robotics development facilities right here on Earth...and my role has evolved into more of a consultant, in those facets where he needs human guidance.”

Sarah paused long enough to note that Olympia nodded in agreement, then continued: “ role vis a vis JE has also I've officially joined JE as a staff member, rather than as a separate contractor per the earlier arrangement. Basically, that means I can focus more on JE operations per se, and less on AI development...the latter becomes a sideline, pursued when Jekyll Rival needs my help.” Olympia expressed approval: “Indeed, that's exactly it! We'll need your robotics expertise to inform our future operations...let's turn to that aspect now....”

They took a break for refreshments at the bar, then tackled the challenge of revising JE's organizational structure to serve the newly revised goals and purposes. Olympia continued: “Well, I've discussed this at length with Seaplane and Lilabelle, as well as with you and Galileo, and we're all on the same page...the best way JE can counteract Hyde Rival's mischief involves a robust surveillance program, where we monitor his influence and warn targeted parties of any threats we detect. However, those parties will themselves need to take appropriate actions against the threats...given our limited role, we can only provide information.” Sarah nodded in agreement.

Olympia then tackled the organizational implications of the new direction: “Practically speaking, we'll need to figure out how to stretch our limited resources to cope with Hyde Rival's widening geographic influence. We can't set up our own offices everywhere, so a more realistic approach involves establishing good working relationships with other stakeholders...thus even our monitoring operations will require ongoing collaboration with many affiliates who share our concerns....”

Sarah jumped in: “...and you're the perfect person to lead that effort...I've seen your awesome logistical and diplomatic skills in action...the challenges are really tough, but we'll succeed!”

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