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Cyberpunk Garden

Ed Johnson

Lili decided to take Galileo to see the Cyberpunk Garden developed by members of her consortium. Galileo was deeply impressed: “Wow, this garden is not only amazing but truly ways I'm trying to grasp more did this wonderful creation come to be?”

Lili beamed with pride: “Oh yes, this garden is our showcase! It dramatically speaks to important themes the consortium wants to emphasize. Although of recent construction, the garden draws from traditional Asian aesthetics, but combines those with clearly modern, even futuristic, engineering features as well. Landscaping relies chiefly on traditional bamboo clusters...and classic torii arches inspired by Shinto reverence for nature...but all combined with advanced lighting techniques...and around the garden wall, special portals providing access to many examples of Asian-themed sites that incorporate natural features.”

Galileo was astounded: “Oh I see...and this emphasis on natural influences reflects what you mentioned earlier...the consortium's intention to seek a more natural solution to our current urban dystopia. And yet...this peaceful, relaxing garden...connects efficiently with many other places...far beyond what historical sites could achieve. How did you arrive at this design?”

Lili gathered her thoughts, then responded: “Well, let me provide context that might help. As you know, most cyberpunk sites reflect a strongly Asian setting, so we began with that...but we wanted to find a viable alternative to that rather depressing dystopian urban environment. Moreover, we hoped to appeal to a much wider geographical audience, even while maintaining that Asian flavor. Indeed, most of our staff reflect that international influence...for example, I myself am Asian American, of Chinese descent...we also have Asian Americans of Japanese well as Asian nationals...we all share a common vision.”

She paused, noted that Galileo was listening intently, then continued: “Most of our consortium team are designers of some sort...architects, landscape architects, engineers, and such...and we work closely with skilled contractors and artisans to actually construct projects that aim to achieve our joint goals. Speaking of which...two designers in particular developed this Cyberpunk Garden...I was one of them, the other was another Asian American, but of Japanese descent...Sara Sakura. Would you like to meet her too?”

“Indeed I would!” Galileo exclaimed. “I look forward to meeting her....”

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