After they arrived at the Android Lab, the technicians examined the arm stump and the mangled severed arm. They determined that a completely new arm must be carefully fabricated, although they could reuse most of the elaborate servo-mechanisms of the fingers and hand – but this would take at least a couple of hours. While they waited, Sarah realized this might be a good time to ask Rivala the deeper questions she'd postponed earlier.
Rivala seemed preoccupied with combing her hair – at least the remaining hand could do that well enough – when Sarah began her line of questioning: “Well, please forgive me if these questions seem too personal and intrusive, but just out of curiosity...do you find this line of work fulfilling? Do you wish you could do something else? For that matter, do you feel exploited and trapped...do we need to rescue you?" Rivala looked quite surprised, and pondered the questions for a while before answering: “Wow, no one ever asked me that before. I'm not sure what to say. I know that I'm a gynoid, and designed specifically to be a sex worker...I do really enjoy sex...well, good sex, not what that disgusting drunk guy tried...and of course getting paid, so I can buy nice stuff....”
The technicians interrupted the conversation, indicating that the new arm was ready for installation. They escorted Rivala to the android assembly/repair chamber, and carefully adjusted her in a prone position inside the big machine. The two robotic arms swung down, and began attaching the new arm in place – the process required nearly an hour – connecting the myriad cables, sensors, and servo devices involved in the complex operation of the hand, especially the fingers.
Rivala emerged from the chamber good as new, so excited that she could barely contain her enthusiasm. “Look at this magnificent new arm...just like the original...how wonderful!" She wriggled each finger, carefully watching the delicate movements. “Oh wait, let me put on the special little black dress I bought just to celebrate. I'm so happy!” Sarah realized further questioning would go nowhere – and besides, Rivala deserved this time to really enjoy her newly restored appearance.