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Broken Arm, Part 1 - Sarah Meets Rivala

Ed Johnson

After Seaplane returned from the Jekyll Rival trip, he suggested that Sarah visit those remarkable facilities too, as soon as an appropriate opportunity emerged. That opportunity arose quickly, although in a rather unusual way: news arrived that one of the gynoids at Rival Resort had been injured, and Sarah was invited to accompany her back to the Rival Android Lab for repairs. She caught the next available transport to the Resort, where she met the injured gynoid for the first time.

Sarah entered the Solarium, where the gynoid Rivala-5 waited by one of the tropical drink stands. “Hello, I'm Sarah, roboticist from the Jonson Station...and you must be glad to meet you!” The gynoid returned the greeting: “Ah yes, I heard you were coming...and can accompany me to the repair facility...happy to meet you!” They sized each other up, while chatting. Sarah knew ahead of time that Rivala had been created by the other (Hyde) Rival who set up the Resort, and that she served as a sex worker in the Resort's red light district.

Sarah, noticing that most of Rivala's left arm was missing, expressed sympathy: “Oh my, are you in pain? That injury looks really serious.” Rivala looked down at her damaged arm, then responded: “Well, it did hurt right after that drunken asteroid miner ripped it off...but our technician quickly disabled the sensation circuits in the actually I feel fine now, aside from the fact that the missing arm spoils my appearance...and I can't do much with only one remaining hand.”

Although amazed that Rivala seemed almost nonchalant about so serious an injury, Sarah continued: “What exactly happened, if you don't mind telling me about the incident?” Rivala explained the situation very bluntly: “Well, that guy showed up drunk as a skunk...we tried to have sex, or rather a pathetic attempt at sex, as he was very clumsy...and suddenly he lashed out...grabbed my arm, and wrenched it with such force that he literally broke it off...but I'm programmed to defend myself, so I grabbed the severed arm back with my other hand...then whacked him over the head with the broken piece...over and over, until he collapsed on the floor!”

Truly astonished, Sarah begged her to continue, which she did with an air of disgust that gradually turned to pride: “What a loser...the guy had it coming to him...they had to haul him away on a in sick bay with multiple concussions, they add insult to injury, the guy never paid me either.” Rivala looked down at her missing arm again: “Damn, now no one will want me...I'm still perfectly capable, but no clients would want a disfigured body like this...” and her voice trailed away.

After a few moments, Rivala brightened: “But they say the Android Lab can fix me up, good as new. I saved the mangled arm, although the technician said they'd probably have to make a completely new arm. He said that he couldn't make such repairs here at the Resort, but that they could easily fix it at the Lab. So let's go, as I'm missing out on paying clients right is there anything else you wanted to know?”

Sarah did indeed want to ask Rivala more – and especially deeper – questions, but decided those could wait. They boarded a special escort vessel which took them to the Jekyll Rival's hidden facility with the Android Lab which could replace the broken arm.

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