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Galileo at the Work Lounge Bar

Ed Johnson

While all JE staff take their work very seriously, they also enjoy many amenities aboard Jonson Station. As the name indicates, the Work Lounge provides a more informal venue for crew to combine relaxation with more routine work when it is safe to just kick back and recover from the more challenging (sometimes even dangerous) tasks inherent in spacefaring.

When not aboard the Explorer or one of the shuttles, Galileo often heads to the Work Lounge, where he completes routine administrative work and occasionally takes some time to chat with crew or visitors at the bar. The station's replicators can create passable versions of many popular drinks from the past, and even appropriate period containers can be fabricated. (It's also rumored that very rare stocks of naturally produced libations have been imported from Earth, but these are very expensive and apparently reserved for special occasions.)

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