Olympia Clarity serves as JE's astrometrics expert (somewhat parallel to her ancestor's role as JSC geographer). Her background includes extensive studies in several astronomical fields, including solar, planetary, and stellar specialties; currently she's also studying galactric and extragalactric astronomy too. Usually she works in the Astrometrics Lab at Jonson Station, where she uses the lab's powerful holographic projectors and advanced computers to visualize and map astronomical phenomena, and based on this work she plans JE's missions throughout the solar system and beyond.
Although Olympia personally accompanies the Explorer during more localized missions, she may send an advanced robotic gynoid version of herself on longer distance missions. Her gynoid representative can perform most astrometrics functions for those longer missions, while also substantially reducing the human consumables that would be impractical to carry on JE's modest spacecraft. However the gynoid robot cannot match the human's creativity and depth of understanding (at least not so far), so usually the collected data is returned to the Astrometrics Lab for thorough analysis and integration.